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cAcB cCcD cEcF cGcH cIcJ cKcL cMcN cOcP cQcR cScT cUcV cWcX cYcZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
crescent 32
ARCSTAR +crescent 9, 16
crescent 24
ARIHANT +crescent & stars 26
ASIPAC +crescent 36
AXITO +oval & crescent 35
B.M MATTRESS +crescent star 20
BABY PLANET +crescent 35
BADARIS +crescent & circle 5
BANANA +crescent 20
BANCO +crescent & oval 12
BAOLI +crescent 7, 9, 12
BARKAT +crescent star tower 30
BAY STAR +star & crescent 19
crescent 14
BHINDI chhap +star crescent 34
BINDASS +crescent 30
BIRNA +man & crescent 5, 29, 30, 32
BLU SKY +crescent 21
BLUE MAGIC +crescent shield 33
BLUE MOON +crescent & stars 20
BLUEGEM +triangles crescent 16
BSN medical +crescent 5
BUNFUN +crescent & circle 43
BZ BZCOMMERCE +crescent 16
C +crescent 35
C +crescent & square 25
C CHAND-TARE +crescent star 30
C COCOBERRY +crescent & arc 9
C CONEY +crescent 18
C CRISS CROSS +crescent 18
C HG +crescent 35
C tv +crescent 38, 41
C'MON +crescent 28, 32
CAREERS AHEAD +crescent sta 35
CARTEL +crescent 9
CARVEL +deer & crescent 25
crescent 3
CC ONEILL +crescent 25
CDC +crescent 11
CENTUARY +crescent & stars 17, 20
CF +oval & crescent 39
CH +crescent 9
CHAITANYA +crescent & star 30
CHANA CHAND bidi +crescent 34
CHAND +crescent 16
CHAND +crescent & star 8
CHAND +crescent & stars 3
CHAND +crescent star flower 30
CHAND +star crescent camel 34
CHAND BALL CHHAP +crescent 34
CHAND BIDI +crescent & plan 34
CHAND BIDI 154 +crescent 34
CHAND BRAND +crescent 30, 31
CHAND GOYAL +crescent flowe 29
crescent 30
CHAND MARKA beej +crescent 31
CHAND PHOOL CHHAP +crescent 34
CHAND SITARA +star crescent 3
CHAND STAR +crescent & star 24
CHAND TARA +crescent & star 3, 30, 31, 30
CHAND TARA +star & crescent 3, 24
CHAND TARE +crescent & star 34
CHAND beads PBC +crescent 26
CHAND bidi 054 +crescent 34
CHAND bidi 154 +crescent 34
CHAND bond +crescent & star 1
CHAND brand +crescent 28, 29
CHAND brand +crescent stars 35
CHAND brand +stars crescent 29
crescent 1
CHAND jgi +crescent 1
CHAND tobacco +crescent 34
CHAND-TARE +crescent & star 30
CHANDA +crescent & circles 29
CHANDA JI +crescent & stars 30
CHANDA MAMA +crescent & fac 5
CHANDA NO.1 +crescent & sta 8
CHANDANI +crescent & stars 30
CHANDNI +crescent 6
CHANDNI SOAP +crescent star 3
crescent 30
CHANDRAMAI +star & crescent 5
CHANDRIKA +crescent 3
CHANDRIKA CRK +crescent 3
CHANDRIKA RKC +crescent 3
CHANDTARA +crescent & stars 2
CHANTHARA +crescent & star 30
CHANTHARA BRAND +crescent 30
CHEMINOVA +crescent & oval 14
CHENKEL cosmetic +crescent 3
CHENTAMARA +crescent & star 30
CHOKSEY +arrows & crescent 1
CHOLA +oval crescent square 25
CI CUSTODY +crescent 16
CLEAN COATS +crescent 4, 6, 8, 9, 38
CN siliguri +crescent 9
CO +crescent arcs & circles 9, 44
COEN +crescent & oval 9, 25, 35, 42
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